Last Saturday afternoon, 3 hours before we needed to leave for the Backstreet Boys concert, Tiffany and I got it into our heads that, because we had 10th row tickets, it would be absolutely hilarious if we made a really ridiculous sign for the concert. (Since we'd definitely be close enough for the Boys to read the message.) Now, dorky as I am, I have never made a sign for a concert before. After running through a number of options that were probably only hilarious to the two of us, we finally settled on the following message:
We spent 2 hours designing, drawing, and coloring the poster. Then we recruited Alex (a co-worker of mine, who was going to the show with us) to help us hold it up once we got there. We were hoping one of the Boys might see it and wave to us or something, but beyond our wildest preteen dreams, all 4 of the Backstreet Boys saw it during the course of the show and had funny reactions.
Only a few songs into the show, Brian sees it. He makes an X with his fingers at us, then motions forcefully for us to put the sign down. We comply.
Later, ignoring Brian and putting the sign back up, we catch Howie's attention, who pauses, reads the sign, then makes an exaggerated surprised face.
In between the next songs, Nick sees it. He points to us, grins, and gives us a thumbs up. We all freak out and thumbs up him back. Then Howie looks at us again, points and laughs, and gives us a peace sign. Until Brian, out of nowhere, hits him to tell him to stop! Brian really didn't enjoy our sign. Is he extremely conservative? He's been doing this job for 15 years, surely he has heard and seen much more explicit things from girls. Was he annoyed that we were being attention hogs with the sign? Was he pissed that we blocked the rows behind us? (We left it down for all the songs, and only threw it up a handful of times during talky bits of the show.) I suppose we shall never know.
Someone posted this video on Youtube from the show... if you watch between 1:45 and 1:55, you can see Brian's initial response to our sign and angry gesturing at us. Eek.
But the best moment was at the end, right after the finale (Backstreet's Back, alright) when AJ, last to notice us, finally reads the sign. He points to us, walks up a few steps to the front of his stage, then points at his jeans, and pretends to lift his shirt and check if he is wearing underwear. Then he looks at us and gives an exaggerated shrug. It was pretty thrilling. If a Backstreet Boy had acknowledged me like that 10 years ago, I'd probably have wet myself. But I'm obviously too mature for that now.
Everyone in the rows ahead of us were turning around to see what the Boys were looking at, and they'd all start laughing at our sign. Even some of the security people were laughing at it.
In summary, of all the Backstreet Boys shows I've been to over the years, this one was the best. For the combined reason of the joy the sign brought, and also the fact that it was actually a really entertaining show. Much more upbeat than their last tour.
On a terrible horrible negative note, opening act Girlicious was the grossest thing in the history of gross. I don't want to talk about it at length, but they made me ashamed for my gender. They also made me feel like I needed a shower.
If anyone is ever in row 10 for anything and wants to borrow a sweet sign, just let me know.
*note - all of us were actually wearing underwear. the sign was a lie. though i can't speak for the rest of the strangers in the 10th row... so who knows?*
Bahaha! I watched the video for Brian's reaction. Lovely :P He was not amused, was he?
hahahaha amazing! that's totally better than when i threw free condoms around at a hanson show when i was 15. ohhh those were the days.
what happened to the guy with the eyebrows?
Awww, Kevin... he quit after the last tour to pursue other interests. Broadway or something like that. I miss him.
Man, what a prude Brian is. I can't believe I went out with him.
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