Thursday, January 10, 2008


Very early Monday morning in the airport, I leaned over the check-in counter to put my backpack onto the conveyer belt thingy to be checked in. Unfortunately, I had not gone to sleep the night before and so my distance perception and motor skills were not where they should have been and I smashed my nose on the edge of the counter. My nose was red for half the day. I'm a moron.

Tonight was fun - I went for dinner and to see Taare Zameen Par with Shikha and Ghora. I have been waiting forever to see it, and it did not disappoint. I had a few issues with it, but ultimately it was a well-made film and exceptionally unique - not standard Bollywood fare at all. (Not that the standard is ever a bad thing, haha.) Also, the songs were excellent in the context of the movie. For those who have seen it - my favorites were Mera Jahan (because it's gorgeously shot) and Bum Bum Bole (reasons should be obvious).  Okay enough Hindi film talk, nobody wants to hear my blathering. 

The last three days have been mostly relaxing - just picking up lots of last minute things, and hanging out with Alex and Kim. We (myself, Tiffany, and Micah - travel buddy) fly out to England late tomorrow night (or tonight, I guess? It's almost 4:30am).  I should sleep. I just dozed off in the chair while staring at the computer screen. 

P.S. The freakishly warm weather in Toronto has been incredible. 


Anonymous said...

Hey it's way too late to do anything about it, but you left your hairdryer behind. Hope you're still alive!

Anonymous said...

oooo- Mel left her hairdryer behind? In that case she might not be alive much longer. Kidding- I tease because I love, my dear.
Intensely jealous of your travels while I sit here and learn the law...or try