On the 22nd, Julia and I left for Nova Scotia by train. Total travel time: 31 hours. Not so bad though - we had a sweet Montreal tour and poutine stopover (thanks Tas!) and I could plug my laptop in on the train. Which meant I could watch Bollywood. That made me ludicrously happy. I'm a dork.
I've been at home 2 weeks now, Christmas was low-key but good, New Year's was the same. Today is my last day in Nova Scotia - at the present time I am sitting in my bed, surrounded by mountains of stuff on the floor, and I haven't even attempted to think about packing yet. I might want to get on that.
Itinerary for next 2 months looks like this: Toronto (Jan. 7-10), London (Jan. 11-17), Dubai (Jan 18-19), Bangladesh (Jan. 20 - ?), India (Feb. ? - ?), back to Canada (early March-ish). We don't have a fixed route in Bangladesh/India... we're just going to wing it when we get there. That's probably poor planning, but hey. On the topic of India, here's something really random - Blogspot just introduced this feature that lets you type everything into the Hindi script - how convenient! Not that I am going to start blogging in Hindi, but I COULD, in theory. Good practice. Look! मैं तुम लोग से प्यार करती हूँ! Hilarious.
Anyway, here are some pictures from the last two weeks. Christmas Eve it was gorgeous out so we went to the beach. We also went to Peggy's Cove last week, in the interest of being tourist-y with Julia. It looks like we're in the Arctic or something. The other pics are just random Christmas Eve and New Year's shots. (Apologies if the layout of the pics comes up wonky on your screen - I can't figure out the HTML to make this look decent for all screen resolutions.)
I will try to post pics from my travels as I go if I am able to upload them from wherever I happen to be. If I can't post pics, I promise to tell good stories. Nothing boring like "Today we saw the Taj Mahal. It was pretty. I got indigestion from some bad fruit." Well, maybe I'd still talk about indigestion. We'll see.
I fly to Toronto very very early tomorrow morning. I am sort of freaking out. That is all.

1 comment:
Miss Easton! where are those Xmas eve eve pics.. I feel unimportant and unloved. make it up to me by coming to korea? kk? Love you!
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