1. Sun over a rice field.
2. Me and Micah at a tea stall, surrounded by 50+ people staring at us. Ahhhhh!!!
3. The main road - the building on the left with the posters is a movie theatre.
4. A house in one of the villages.
5. Outside a woman's house - I just think it's an interesting photo.
6. Me and Micah at another tea stall. Tea is sooooo good here.
7. Me and Micah surrounded by overexcited children.
8. The most adorable kid ever.
9. One last gratuitous shot of cute local village children. It's cliché, I know. I'll stop!

Ay Melanie!!! pone fotos tuyas en tarlipes!!!
Hard to imagine tea without teabagging. What's it like?
Master Tea
wow, the locals are creepin a bit... I think all that staring would get to me before too long.
keep havin fun sistah!
Hey Mel:
Looks like you're having a great productive time there. Remeber I told you that people stare, LOL. Especially the picture where everyone surround you and looking at you as if you are aliens is kinda funny. Take care!
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